• 14 dicembre 2014, Nomadica@Spazio Labus

    On: 2 Febbraio 2015
    In: 2014/2015
    Views: 914

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  • Anteprima nazionale _ Savage Witches un film di Daniel Fawcett e Clara Pais

    On: 27 Maggio 2014
    In: 2013/2014
    Views: 1394

    Mercoledì 28maggio h21.45_
    Ultimo appuntamento della stagione con Nomadica a Bologna, presso la SalaNomadica|SpazioMenomale.

    Per l’occasione sarà presente una coppia di cineasti anglo/portoghesi, Daniel Fawcett e Clara Pais, fondatori di The Underground Film Studio e del London Underground Film Festival.
    Con loro presenteremo per la prima volta in Italia, Savage Witches un film divertente, poetico e sperimentale su due ragazze adolescenti che non vogliono far altro che giocare, mascherarsi e avere avventure – ma trovandosi in conflitto con il mondo che le circonda, decidono di trasformarlo ed essere libere. Il film è il tentativo di soddisfare tutti i loro desideri di libertà.
    E’ un collage colorato di suoni e immagini, creato utilizzando tutti i tipi di processi e formati, da VHS a Super8, all’animazione disegnata, in una esplorazione audace ed espressionista dell’arte cinematografica.
    [Con l’apporto fondamentale di La Furia Umana]



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  • The Underground Film Studio

    On: 23 Dicembre 2013
    In: Senza categoria
    Views: 0


    UK, 01:10:00, 2012, 16:9

    a motion picture exploration by Daniel Fawcett and Clara Pais
    starring Christina Wood and Victoria Smith
    music by Fiona Bevan
    sound design Simon Keep
    costumes Joonatan Allandi
    shooting formats HD/Super8/VHS/DV Colour/B+W
    language English
    subtitles English, Portuguese, Italian
    screening format Pro Res QT file, DCP, HDCAM, Blu-Ray Disc
    writers/directors/editors Daniel Fawcett and Clara Pais
    produced by The Underground Film Studio


    Savage Witches is a playful, poetic and experimental film about two teenage girls who want nothing but to play games, dress up and have adventures, but when they find themselves in conflict with the world around them they set out to transform it and break free! The film attempts to satisfy all their wishes for freedom. They are aided by a magic key, which unlocks the film allowing process to mix with its creation, artifice and reality to intermingle. But when Gretchen and Margarita are confronted with reality, it becomes clear that there is a vast gap between what they say they want and what they really want. Once the game has been set in motion they are swept along by the film’s momentum and must see it through to the end. Savage Witches is a colourful collage of sounds and images that has been created using all manner of processes and formats from VHS and Super 8 to drawn animation and hand-coloured frames, resulting in a bold and expressionistic exploration of the art of cinema. Like the characters in the film, its creators, Daniel and Clara, operate almost like two parts of one person. Their collaboration is unique in that they take equal creative control over camera, direction, writing and editing. The film’s form could be seen as that of a conversation, a chain of thoughts or a series of interruptions. They call it a motion picture exploration, the results of this exploration are presented to the audi ence to indulge in and enjoy.
    Savage Witches is the perfect antidote to the current film industry obsession with pitches, scripts, tick box criteria and 5 star reviews. This unclassifiable film should not be missed!
    more info about the film

    The Underground Film Studio is run by filmmakers Daniel Fawcett and Clara Pais. The studio is based in a seaside town near Porto, Portugal.

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