• Mauro Andrizzi

    On: 11 Marzo 2013
    In: Senza categoria
    Views: 0

    Iraqi Short Film

    Argentina, 2008, 01:34:00, subtitles: eng, ita, spa
    realization and research Mauro Andrizzi
    editing Francisco J. Vazquez Murillo
    technical consulting Pepo Razzari

    In Iraq there are thought to be at least 140 armed bands resisting the military occupation. Gathered according zones of influence, provinces, clans, ethnic origins, and differences in the way of handling the resistance, those 140 armed bands form approximately 25 militias or small guerrilla armies with trained militiamen. Most of the militias are sponsored financial and militarily by some of the Middle East autocracies. Strong political allies of the USA some of them, but at the same time they need to control the American military influence in the zone. Every militia has between 500 and 1000 members, and everyone has specific designated duties: recruiting, financiation (funding), intelligence, spying activities, facilitators, experts in bomb making, suicide operatives and foot soldiers. Since the U.S-led invasion in 2003, the militias dramatically increased the number of affiliates. Around 25% of those operatives are non-Iraqis, the so-called “foreign fighters”. They enter the country crossing the borders illegally, most of them coming from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, and also from the North of Africa: Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. The disastrous occupation of Iraq created the ideal training field for this fighters to win experience and confidence, and it is supposed that after the Gulf War ends, they would return to their origin countries to start or continue the Jihad.

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