Everything Turns…
Aaron Zeghers // 12′:12” / 2017 / Canada / Super8 / exp
Ignacio Tamarit // 4′ / 2016 / Argentina / animation – Found footage
The tide goes in, the tide goes out
Larissa Fan // 5′ 30” / 2012 / canada / super8 / exp
The Islands
Hsuan-Kuang Hsieh // 9’50” / 2016 / TAIWAN/ USA / 16mm / exp
Screen Test 1 (self-portrait)
Scott Fitzpatrick // 2’30” / 2015 / Canada / exp
the Garden of Delight
Michael Fleming // 11′ 36” / 2017 / the Netherlands / super8, found footage, 35mm / exp
Simon Liu // 19′ 30” / 2017 / Hong Kong – UK / 16mm / exp
Nomadica will host Analogica’s exhibition, in Bologna, to amplify its mouvement: give films the chance to be projected at these latitudes and give us the opportunity to cross their glances. 7 films oming by various parts of the world, attempts of a contemporary cinema strongly attached to the use of film. The experiment is always an attempt – extreme, innovative, repeated, reformulated, regenereted-, it’s the language itself that cannot be chained, images-mouvement of a world that expands without ceasing and despite everything. We share Analogica’s thrust, and thank them for the precious opportunity.
Analogica nasce per stimolare e sostenere la divulgazione e la conoscenza dell’utilizzo di tecnologie analogiche nella pratica artistica e creativa, supporta il cinema di ricerca e sperimentale e sostiene filmmakers e artisti che lavorano con la pellicola. ANALOGICA SELECTION è il programma annuale di film promosso da ANALOGICA attraverso l’omonimo festival e un tour di proiezioni nazionali e internazionali.
Analogica is a platform for the investigation and dissemination of analog practices in visual and sonic experiments. Throughout the year, a selection of the best works screened at the Analogica festival travels in various places around the world to provide encounters where artists working across disciplines (photo, film, sound, installation) can meet and exchange ideas about analogue practices.
fb: https://www.facebook.com/events/1141492876014495/