WOM Selection 5 (Sun. Nov 3 – h18.00)

curated by Giulia Mazzone, Giuseppe Spina, Riccardo Re

Roger Deutsch, Hungary | 2019 | Super 8/16mm | Color, b/w | Sound | 8’ | Sub Ita

A man loses himself.

Excerpt: https://vimeo.com/359534851

Deborah Stratman, USA | 2019 | 16mm | Color | Sound | 12’ | Sub Ita

A cross-generational binding of three filmmakers seeking alternative possibilities to power structures they’re inherently part of. The film grew out of abandoned film projects of Maya Deren and Barbara Hammer. Shot at the furthest point of a motorcycle trip Hammer took to Guatemala in 1975, and laced through with Deren’s reflections of failure, encounter and initiation in 1950s Haiti.

A vever is a symbolic drawing used in Haitian Voodoo to invoke a Loa, or god.

James Edmonds, UK | 2018 | 16mm | Color | Sound | 6’
To return again, to re-align is the object of these visits, perhaps. Geography of origin becoming catalyst for an inner re-alignment with the secret, private, unspoken work of one’s being.
A series of rapid contrasts, a synthesis of elemental and everyday experience:
structures shift and intermingle, two worlds become one.
“A Return consists of two reels of 16mm film shot on a visit to my home village in the South of England. The footage begins in Berlin, in the location I was working with Robert Beavers on the restoration of Gregory J. Markopoulos’ epic film cycle Eniaios. Following on from this starting point, I continued to shoot people and locations from my everyday life – returning to England during the Christmas holidays, a gathering of old friends, the house of my parents, and glimpses of ancient folk traditions they are involved in. […]” (JE2018)
Alex Faoro/Helena Deda, USA | 2019 | Video | Color | Sound | 3’

My wife Helena was five years old when the Kosovo War began in February of 1998. She and her family were forced to flee their homes as Serbian soldiers swept the countryside, massacring ethnic Albanians and destroying their land. Ditët e Luftës is a meditation on these experiences of war and displacement.

Excerpt: https://vimeo.com/339751306

Roger Horn, Zimbabwe | 2019 | Super 8 | Color | Sound | 13’

Filmed on Super 8mm, Scenes from a Transient Home presents a fractured portrait of life for Zimbabwean migrant women when they visit family back home.

trailer: https://vimeo.com/302537201

Sarah Bliss, USA | 2019 | 16mm | b/w | Sound | 8’

A portrait of place and power in rural white Ontario that challenges the correlation between seeing and knowing, and the ravages of late-stage capitalism. Hand processing, contact printing, tinting and toning engage the film as a body that, like the residents of Mt. Forest, sustains injuries, wounds and burdens, but also has the capacity for delight, revelatory pleasure, and transformation.

Extract: https://vimeo.com/341796615

Mike Stoltz, USA | 2015 | 16mm | Color | Sound | 12’

This project began out of a fascination with a giant sculpture of a dragon attached to a Central Florida mansion. The property had recently been left to rot, held in lien by a bank. Hurricanes washed away the sculpture.
I learned about the artist who created this landmark, Lewis Vandercar (1913-1988), who began as a painter. His practice grew along with his notoriety for spell-casting and telepathy.
Inspired by Vandercar’s interest in parallel possibility, I combined these images with text from local newspaper articles in a haunted-house film that both engages with and looks beyond the material world.

Excerpt: https://vimeo.com/232281522

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