• STAR SPLITTER Gabriele Mitelli, Rob Mazurek MEDEA

    On: 19 Maggio 2024
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    Gabriele Mitelli, Rob Mazurek

    a film for Mitelli/Mazurek’s MEDEA by Giuseppe Spina
    2024, 5′ 35”, Super 8
    musical excerpt from the track: Revenge part I: the cloak and crown

    We Insist! Records

    Gabriele Mitelli, cornet, trumpet, voice, electronics
    Rob Mazurek, piccolo trumpet, trumpet, voice, electronics


    Duo in the mirror that, in a continuous game of doubling and multiplication, ventures into another world, dense with unexpectedness and vital thrills. Sun Ra and post-rock, as well as Chicago experimentation and echoes of the world of Suzanne Ciani and minimal music, are the hints one can sense while listening to Medea, a journey to the edge and beyond. Star Splitter’s new album comes five years after the debut album, a period in which the two artists experimented with the infinite possibilities of this lineup, the length and breadth of Europe, at some of the most important festivals. In complete freedom, a three-day session in the recording studio in Reggio Calabria gave birth to Medea, a dedication, in retrospect, to the film work of Pier Paolo Pasolini.

    Duo allo specchio che, in un continuo gioco di sdoppiamenti e moltiplicazioni, si avventura in un mondo altro, denso di imprevisti e di brividi vitali. Sun Ra e il post rock, così come la sperimentazione di Chicago e gli echi del mondo di Suzanne Ciani e della minimal music sono i sentori che si avvertono durante l’ascolto di Medea, un percorso al limite, e oltre. Il nuovo album di Star Splitter, arriva 5 anni dopo il disco d’esordio, periodo in cui i due artisti hanno sperimentato le infinite possibilità di questa formazione, in lungo e in largo per l’Europa, in alcuni dei festival più importanti. Una sessione di tre giorni in studio di registrazione a Reggio Calabria, in completa libertà, ha dato vita a Medea, una dedica, a posteriori, all’opera cinematografica di Pier Paolo Pasolini.

    Danielle Osteroop 

    Compositions by Gabriele Mitelli and Rob Mazurek
    Recorded & Mixed by Alessio “LeX” Mauro, at LM Recording Studio (RC, Italy) on 2022
    Mastering by Alessio “LeX” Mauro, at LM Recording Studio (RC, Italy)
    Cover art by Rob Mazurek
    Graphic design by Maria Borghi
    Produced by WE INSIST! ets, 2024
    Publisher WE INSIST! ets
    Manufacture by Rand Muzik/Vinilificio, March 2024
    Printed by Grafiche Mariano S.r.l., March 2024

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